Managers Guide to Sick and Domestic Leave - SSO

Managers Guide to Sick and Domestic Leave - SSO

Applies to: all TWG Support Services


Remember: As a leader in this business, you are responsible for delivering excellence through the use of business processes. You need to listen, understand and help guide the team to follow the processes outlined in this guide

Purpose of Sick Leave and Domestic Leave 

Sick leave is used when the team member is personally sick. Domestic leave is when the team member is not personally sick but has to care for a sick dependant such as a child or spouse. They are not separate leave entitlements – both come under the individual team member’s sick leave entitlement.

Importance of following the correct process

It is important for a team member to have the time needed to recover from illness or look after a dependant person who is sick. Having this time off can help speed up the recovery process.
If a team member has some form of contagious illness, coming into work can spread the illness amongst other team members.


1. Team member contacts Manager:
The team member is required to advise a manager of their inability to attend work due to ill health (personal or dependant). This must be done:

  • As soon as possible, preferably prior to the usual start time
  • Directly to the manager or other specified manager. Text messages or calls to other team members are not acceptable unless the manager is not contactable e.g. overseas.
2. Does the leave appear genuine?
The manager needs to use their discretion to decide if the leave appears genuine or not. Deciding that the leave may not be genuine should be based on some evidence and should not be done lightly or without consulting Ask People Support. 
3. Is the illness 3 days or more?
This refers to the illness, not the rostered days off work. If the team member takes a Friday and then the Monday off work, then that is considered a four-day illness.
4. Team member can be required to provide proof of illness:
Where the illness is for less than 3 days you can require proof of illness (to be provided within three days of the request) if:
  • You have genuine grounds for suspecting that the leave is not genuine
  • Agree to pay the medical costs
  • Do not specify which doctor the team member is to go to
Where the illness is for more than 3 days you can require proof of illness (to be provided within three days of the request) at the team member’s expense.
5. Proof of illness must be requested during the illness
You need to request proof of illness during the illness, not afterwards, so you may need to contact the team member at home to make the request.

If a certificate is not provided you can withhold any sick leave payment until it is forthcoming. You could also move to disciplinary action if you believe it is justified. Consult Ask People Support before taking this action.
6. Review case, consider further action:
Where sick leave appears to be used inappropriately or excessively, consult Ask People Support for advice on a suitable course of action, which will vary on a case-by-case basis.
7. Manager considers illness to be genuine.
If a medical certificate has been provided, you must accept it. If you still have concerns about the illness, contact Ask People Support. 
8. Check sick leave entitlement available?
Managers can check on MyPay for the team member’s sick leave balance.

Sick leave is available after 3 months service. For primary sick leave eight days are provided each year after the initial 3 months. Unused primary sick leave can be carried over from year to year. 

If the team member does not have sufficient sick leave available, you can grant discretionary sick leave.
9. Discretionary sick leave entitlement available?
If the team member has used all their primary sick leave they may be granted up to 7 days per annum discretionary sick leave. Discretionary sick leave can be used when:
  • A team member is sick or injured, or
  • when the team member's spouse or a dependent person (such as a child or elderly parent) is sick or injured and needs care.
Managers may request supporting information on the circumstances and condition.
10. If Discretionary leave is refused the team member can:
  • Ask the department manager or one up manager to review the decision. That decision is final.
  • Use annual leave instead: The team member can request to take the time as unpaid sick leave or paid annual leave.

Please click here for more information about Discretionary Sick Leave
11. Team member completes Sick leave Application in My Pay
Depending on the leave available the team member will be specifying the leave as one, or a combination of:-
  • Sick leave – paid
  • Sick leave – unpaid
  • Annual leave

12. Manager approves/declines leave application.
The manager must tell the team member what their decision was especially if the paid sick leave is declined.
13. Record leave, pay as directed:
Sick leave cannot be taken in advance.
14. Illness is long term
For personal illness that is long term Wellness Support may be granted.

Please click here for information about Wellness Support 

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