Team Discount Policy

Team Discount Policy

Applies to: all TWG team

Team Discount Policy


The Warehouse Group Limited recognises the benefits for the team members in being able to purchase items at a discount from the Warehouse Group stores.


Discount cards are issued from Support Office upon receipt of the completed application form.

All discount cards are cancelled on termination of employment. You must return your Team Card and any supplementary cards to your manager when you finish working for The Warehouse.


Discount applies to:

  • Permanent full time or part time Team Members who are employed by The Warehouse Group are eligible. If you are married or in a legally recognized de-facto relationship, then your spouse or partner can also enjoy the use of a Supplementary Team Card. Alternatively, if you live with your parents, then you can nominate both parents as Supplementary Cardholders. You cannot have a supplementary card for both your parents and your spouse/partner.
  • All current Executive Board Members
  • Former team members or Board members who completed 15 years continuous service with the Warehouse
  • Fixed Term Team Members are only eligible to a Team Member card where fixed term is for more than 3 months. Fixed Term Team Members are not eligible to a Supplementary Card. 
  • Casual Team Members and Contractors are not eligible to receive a Team Card.
  • Joint Venture Operator employees:
            - The Warehouse Cellars
            - The Warehouse Pharmacy
            - The Warehouse Financial Services
            - Waikato Valley Chocolates

Supplementary Cards

If you are married or in a legally recognised de facto relationship, then your spouse or partner can also enjoy the use of a Supplementary Team Card. Alternatively, if you live with your parents, then you can nominate both parents as Supplementary Cardholders.

Temporary or Casual - Stores

If you are a temporary or casual team member then you won’t get a Team Card, but you can still get the discount when you shop at the store in which you work.

Temporary or Casual - Support Office

If you are a temporary or casual team member who works for The Warehouse for 3 months or more then you are entitled to a Team Card but not to any supplementary cards.

Abuse of Discount

The card may be cancelled or the discount privilege withdrawn where you abuse the use of the discount. Disciplinary action may result. This may involve cancellation of discount privileges, written warnings or dismissal. The following are examples of discount card abuse that may lead to disciplinary action:
  • Purchasing product with discount on behalf of, or for the benefit of, people who are not entitled to the discount e.g. non-eligible family members or friends. (Purchasing gifts to give to others is permitted under this policy).
  • Purchasing product for the purpose of on-selling.
  • Returning discounted product at full price.
  • Allowing others to use a personal Team Card.
  • Failing to notify your manager if a Card has been lost or stolen.
  • Failing to notify your manager if there has been a change in circumstances which makes the person with the supplementary card ineligible (e.g. change in relationship with a partner or a move out of parents’ home).
  • Failure to notify your manager if there is suspected abuse of a supplementary card.
A Lifetime discount will not apply if you are dismissed from your employment with the Company for any reason.

We audit the use of Team Cards on a regular basis and reserve the right to cancel any Team Member or Supplementary Card, for good and sufficient reason.

Amount of Discount

The discount applicable to all merchandise may be altered or cancelled by the Company at any time.

Use of Card

When buying goods using a Team Card, you must present your card at the checkout prior to purchase. You will also have to sign the receipt as proof of purchase.

If you are working in a store, purchases must be made at the end of the shift. Once goods are purchased you should leave the store immediately.

If food is to be purchased during breaks, the sales docket must be taped to the bag or packaging. No goods are allowed to be taken home without being paid for.

No one is permitted to serve themselves by processing their own purchase – or any part of the purchase -at the checkout under any circumstances. Equally you must not serve family or friends at the checkout under any circumstances.
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